Monday, March 30, 2009

Oklahoma is Not OK

The highway is surrounded by cows, the land is flatter than Kelly Ripa, and as my brother told me once, if your dog runs away you can watch it run for 3 days. That pretty much describes the terrain since Ohio, but the difference is the citizens of this God forsaken state believe they have the right to charge you for driving through it.

Really? What is in Oklahoma that is of any significance? At least Illinois has Chicago, Indiana-Indianapolis, and Missouri has a pretty impressive metal thingy sticking up from out of the ground, the only thing worth seeing in Oklahoma is the sight of the Oklahoma City Bombing, which is a horrible tragedy, just like the state it happened in. The only redeeming quality is the 75 MPH speed limit which they should boost to as fast as you car can go because once I’m outta here I promise I will NEVER come back.

Smooth sailing about an hour to OK City, lunch, then it’s a race to the Texas border.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say hey! Love reading your blog!!! Sounds like you've met some interesting people and seen some cool things!! Only a few more days now!
